Quiz Facts - Find The Unicorn (Answers)

- 2/01/2020

Find The Unicorn Quiz

Find The Unicorn Quiz will consist of 15 questions and answers. Its possible Quiz Facts may change the order of the questions in the future. So be sure to match your Unicorn question and photo with our question and photo below. Good Luck!

You may find this quiz on other rewards sites besides Swagbucks like InstaGc, Earnably, or GrabPoints. In any case, the following answers will work.

Question 1) Welcome to the magical forest! Watch for the squirrels, they like to throw acorns at newcomers. In the meantime, can you find the unicorn?

Possible Responses:
A ๐Ÿ†‡
B ✅
C ๐Ÿ†‡
D ๐Ÿ†‡

Question 2) What are they all staring at? Find the unicorn and run before they do something creepy.

Possible Responses:
A ๐Ÿ†‡
B ๐Ÿ†‡
C ๐Ÿ†‡
D ✅

Question 3) Hmm… there is something very weird about this forest. Can you see where the unicorn is hiding?

Possible Responses:
A ๐Ÿ†‡
B ๐Ÿ†‡
C ๐Ÿ†‡
D ✅

Question 4) Finally, some friendly-looking animals. Can you spot the unicorn?

Possible Responses:
A ✅
B ๐Ÿ†‡
C ๐Ÿ†‡
D ๐Ÿ†‡

Question 5) Here comes the chaos… Our unicorn loves it! Where is he?

Possible Responses:
A ๐Ÿ†‡
B ๐Ÿ†‡
C ✅
D ๐Ÿ†‡

Question 6) I think you’ve fallen asleep… can you see where our unicorn is in this strange dreamscape?

Possible Responses:
A ✅
B ๐Ÿ†‡
C ๐Ÿ†‡
D ๐Ÿ†‡

Question 7) Mind your step… and don’t eat the berries! Can you see where the unicorn is hiding?

Possible Responses:
A ๐Ÿ†‡
B ๐Ÿ†‡
C ๐Ÿ†‡
D ✅

Question 8) Where did all these animals come from? Can you find the unicorn among them?

Possible Responses:
A ๐Ÿ†‡
B ๐Ÿ†‡
C ๐Ÿ†‡
D ✅

Question 9) There’s nothing like a party in the forest! Can you spot the unicorn?

Possible Responses:
A ✅
B ๐Ÿ†‡
C ๐Ÿ†‡
D ๐Ÿ†‡

Question 10) Things are about to get a little more rowdy! Can you see the unicorn somewhere in this group of kids?

Possible Responses:
A ๐Ÿ†‡
B ๐Ÿ†‡
C ✅
D ๐Ÿ†‡

Question 11) Can you find that cheeky unicorn?

Possible Responses:
A ๐Ÿ†‡
B ๐Ÿ†‡
C ๐Ÿ†‡
D ✅

Question 12) Take a look at these cute animals and see if you can find the unicorn among them!

Possible Responses:
A ✅
B ๐Ÿ†‡
C ๐Ÿ†‡
D ๐Ÿ†‡

Question 13) Oh, so many pretty pink animals! The unicorn is hiding here somewhere!

Possible Responses:
A ๐Ÿ†‡
B ๐Ÿ†‡
C ๐Ÿ†‡
D ✅

Question 14) We’ve gone back in time! Where is that unicorn?

Possible Responses:
A ✅
B ๐Ÿ†‡
C ๐Ÿ†‡
D ๐Ÿ†‡

Question 15) Where is the unicorn??

Possible Responses:
A ๐Ÿ†‡
B ๐Ÿ†‡
C ✅
D ๐Ÿ†‡

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